Tuesday, November 25, 2008

If you don't, no one will..

I was having a discussion with my friend Theresa today about many things, among which is that I'm coming down with some strange cold. Fabulous. Anyways, she told me that I needed to start taking care of myself, because "if you dont, no one else will."

This got me to thinking about something thats been on my mind alot lately: the balance between paying off my debt and the rest of my life. Gazelle intensity in moderation if you will.

Other blogs I've read have had people talking about using their moderation to spend time with their kids, take vacations, etc, so as not to waste time with them. My best friend is getting married next year, and I've already started saving for the dress, plane tickets, bachelorette party, etc. so that I have adequate funds available. If I can plan for things, usually I'm okay. I went to see her this past weekend, and set aside the money so I didn't have to worry.

But in the short term, I pretty much have no life. Not that I'm a terribly social person as it is (I thoroughly enjoy my "ME" time), but I hardly go out at all. Most days I feel okay, but I'm questioning, am I really doing the right thing by backing away from everything? Do my friends really understand what I'm doing and why?

Another example...I've never been a huge cooker, and have pretty consistently eaten frozen meals for lunch. Well lately I've traded in the decent ones for the $.92 Michelina's and ramen noodles. And I've been noticing that I don't get full after I eat and I'm constantly hungry and therefore cranky. As it is, I rarely have food in my house because, besides the fact that I hate to grocery shop, I put it off so long because I don't want to go spend money. Even my dog is making sacrifices...we've switched to a dog food that is significantly cheaper but not as wholesome. Those are just a few examples.

Have I moved past gazelle intensity to become gazelle obsessed?

I have a feeling I need to find more balance in my life. Because if I dont find it, no one will find it for me.

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