Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Life Happens

I found out on Sunday afternoon that one of my best friends' dad passed away suddenly. I have been close with this girl since kindergarten, and he was like a daddy to me too.

What does this have to do with anything?

I'm from Ohio, and I've lived in Texas for just over a year. The funeral and the service are in Ohio, and I'm in Texas. So besides being upset about his passing, I'm 1500 miles away.

I got a text last night with funeral information (this Friday and Saturday), so I looked online, and lo and behold found a fllight for $341 on Expedia. The price alone was enough to make my jaw drop, especially only four days in advance. Thanks to Northwest Airlines and Expedia.com, I'm going home this weekend.

But the best part? I started SAVING money for plane tickets back in November. I had been saving it up for some weddings this summer, but as it turned out, I needed it now. Only the $41 will have to come out of the budget this month.

Pre-Dave Amy (or pre-had-a-clue Amy) would have thrown it on a credit card and dealt with it later.

When I talked to my mom this morning, she said she had been looking at flying me home for the funeral or at least splitting it, when the cheapest flights she found were $700+. She said she'd still split it with me, which is insanely sweet of her, but I'm going to try and talk her out of it. (You know how moms are though...)

All I have to do now is get my shifts for Friday night and Saturday night covered at the Roadho. Everything has worked out to my advantage so far, and I'm hoping this will also.

So not only do I have peace in being able to go home and be with my friends, but I'm doing it without going into debt, sticking to my budget.

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